
Rideau CrossFit Ottawa


Hi Guys, two things before we get started this week.

We are now halfway through the 12 weeks of the modified Burgener squat program we have been following. As we transition from the squatting training bias on to more gymnastics skill/strength and weightlifting work, we will also be increasing our focus on the core CrossFit movements and they will begin to appear twice a week (for the most part) either in the warm-ups or the met-cons. Over the next few weeks we will transition to focus on movement efficiency and volume of these core movements, to increase capacity of gymnastic style movements while maintaing our volume of weightlifting work. We will maintain the same structure to the program, but weightlifting movements will not often feature in the met-cons until the new year (maybe once a week at most). This will be an extremely difficult part of the year, since we will be overlapping large volumes of weightlifting work with large volumes of skill and gymnastic work. This is where the big strength and work capacity gains will be made, be sure to rest up so you can maintain quality despite the large volume of work we will be doing.

Secondly, this weekend is Motionball’s marathon of sport. This is a special olympics fundraiser that takes place at the Rideau Canoe Club, on Saturday September 14th and is organized by our own Ryan Cuthbert. We will be putting a team together to compete on Saturday, the event starts at 9AM and we will be looking for members interested in participating and raising funds. We are looking for a team of at least 10 people who would be interested in raising/donating $100 each for a fundraising goal of $1000. If you are interested in participating please let me know either via email or at the gym. Training on Saturday will be organized later this week for afternoon sessions. I am also looking into organizing a fundraising event on Friday night with Motionball’s organizers in support of the event. This is a great opportunity for our community to support a great cause and hope we can all support it!

On to the fun stuff!

15′ Alternating Minutes
7 C2B Pull-ups
7 Ring Push-ups
7 OH Squats

M.E. Snatch
M.E. Clean and Jerk

a) 5 x M.E. Strict Muscle-ups
b) 5 x M.E. Kipping HSPU

Metabolic Conditioning
400M Run
75 Double-unders
20 Pistols

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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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