
September 2013

Aaron's OH Walking Lunge Warm-up 5 Cal. Row 10 C2B Pull-ups 15 Wall Balls Weightlifting M.E. 2 Highest Hang Cleans + 2 Jerks Strength HBBS 5x2 @93% F. Squat 10x3 @86% Metabolic Conditioning For Time: 1200M Run 20 KB Swings (32/24) 20 Burpees OTB 20 HSPU 20ft. HS Walk 60 Double-unders

Joyce giving new meaning to 'depth' Warm-up 10 Push-ups 12 Pistols 15 Burpees Weightlifting M.E. Hover Snatch + Snatch Balance Strength a) 3 x M.E. Strict Toes to Bar b) 3 x M.E. Bar Muscle-ups Metabolic Conditioning 8' AMRAP 12 S.A. KB Snatches (24/16) 16 OH S.A. Walking Lunges (24/16)

Developing virtuosity in the air squat with Sally Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 50 Double-unders 5 Muscle-ups 10 OH Squat Weightlifting Every 30" for 10' 2 Highest Hang Cleans + 1 Jerk Strength HBBS 10x2 @93% F. Squat 5x3 @86% Metabolic Conditioning 3 RFT 400M Run 21 Burpees 15 Toes to Bar

Emily box jumping the men's rx'd height in last week's deadlift/box jump wod Warm-up 15' Alternating Every Minute 10 cal. Row 15 Thrusters 20 Ft. Handstand Walk Weightlifting M.E. Snatch M.E. Clean and Jerk Strength 5 x M.E. Strict Muscle-ups 5 x M.E. Kipping HSPU Metabolic Conditioning 10 RFT 5 Shoulder to OH

Got back?! Warm-up 15 KB Snatch 12 OH Walking Lunges 10 Cal. Row Weightlifting Every 30" for 7' - 2 Hang Snatch Strength a) 5x5 Bar Muscle-ups b) 5xM.E. Strict HSPU Metabolic Conditioning For time: Run 800M 30ft. HS Walk -then- 27-21-15-9 Thrusters (115/75) Burpees OTBB -then- 30 C2B Pull-ups Run 800M -then- Meet at the Chateau Lafayette at 4PM!!

Some solid Clean and Jerk work from our 3:30Pm Class Warm-up 50 Double-unders 10 Push-ups 5 Push-ups Weightlifting M.E. 1 Clean + 2 Jerks Strength HBBS 5x3 @81% F. Squat 6x2 @98% Metabolic Conditioning Down and Back up for time 50 Box Jumps 40 KB Swings (24/16) 30 KB Snatch (24/16) 20 Toes to Bar 10

Steve Crushing KB Swings Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 6 Push Jerk 12 Pistols 18ft. Handstand Walk Weightlifting M.E. Hang Snatch + 2 Pause OH Squat Strength a) 3x M.E. Strict T2B b) 3x M.E. Bar Muscle-ups Metabolic Conditioning 7' AMRAP 15 Wall-balls 15 OH Walking Lunges


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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