
August 2013

"Doug" Warm-up 10 Wall Balls 10 Burpees (Open Standard) 3 Bar Muscle-ups Weightlifting 1) BTN Snatch Grip Push Press 2) Push Press/Jerk 3) Hang Snatch (1 Power/1 Squat) 4) Hang Clean (1 Power/1 Squat) 5) Tempo Snatch 6) Tempo Clean M.E. Snatch Complex 1 Snatch 1 OH Squat 1 Hang Snatch 1 OH Squat Strength a) 5x3 Push

A classic Linda shot from last year! Weighted pull up at 36# Warm-up 15' alternating minutes L-sit 12" 3 Tire Flips 100ft farmer's carry Weightlifting 15' EMOTM 2 clean and jerk Strength HBBS 10x3 @81% Front Squat 5x3 @86% Metabolic Conditioning For time: 100 Double-unders 50 KB Swings 40 Wall Balls 30 Pull-ups 20 HSPU 10 Burpees

Warm-up 15' alternating minutes 15' handstand walk 4 muscle ups 10 kb snatches Weightlifting M.E. 1 clean and jerk + 1 hang clean and jerk Strength a) 5x5 jerk b) 5x5 reverse hyper Metabolic Conditioning 6 RFT 3 Squat Snatch 6 OH squat 9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Lots of Squatting ahead! Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 12 Box Jumps 10 Walking Lunges 8 HSPU Weightlifting Skills 1 1) Angel Drops 2) RDL 3) RDL + hip extension 4) Highest Hang Snatch 5) Highest Hang Clean 6) BTN Push Press/Jerk 10' EMOTM 3 Snatches (Touch and Go) Strength HBBS 5x3 @81% F. Squat 10x3 @86% Metabolic Conditioning 21-15-9 OH Walking

Sally getting deep with some Hang Cleans! Keep up the hard work everyone, the skills are coming and so is the strength! Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 12 Toes to Bar 16 Double unders (x2 if you're proficient) Weightlifting M.E. Snatch M.E. Clean and Jerk Strength a)

Phil's first Pistols!! Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 20 Air Squats 15 Push-ups 3 Tire Flips Weightlifting Oly Skills 3 1) BTN Snatch Grip Push Press 2) Push Press/Jerk 3) Hang Snatch (1 power/1 squat) 4) Hang Clean (1 power/1 squat) 5) Tempo Snatch 6) Tempo Clean M.E. 2 Hang Snatch below Knee Strength a) 5x1

Griffin PR's by almost 3 minutes!! Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 12 Box Jumps 10 Fat Bar Deadlifts 8 Pistols Weightlifting Oly Skills 2 1) Pause OH Squat 2) Pause F. Squat 3) Snatch Balance 4) Close Grip OH Squat 5) Snatch First Pull 6) Finger Tip Strict Press 7' EMOTM - 3 Clean and

Sometimes we do have fun, its not all hard work! Recovery. Watch some videos, get refreshed for tomorrow, here are some of my personal favourite youtube channels. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lYN5YIt4Eo&list=UU0p6jCnVlK6ZjdHtoh4re3g http://www.youtube.com/channel/UChnsdG5s-4v0oP77Up0fJQQ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPhNSRH_9SonRcswDLc8CuA


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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