
February 2015

How does your overhead position look? Come to yoga tonight with Courtney to help get the mobility to get in great positions for all your movements! Warm-up 60" Plank 10 Toes to Bar 5 Cal Row Skill Accumulate 25 hip to rings kips. Metabolic Conditioning "Death by Thrusters" 1,2,3,4,5,

Everyone have their Schmoopy picked for this partner workout? We are open regular hours on Family Day Monday! Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 30 HB Rocks 20 Double-unders 10 Pull-ups Metabolic Conditioning "The St. Valentine's Day Massacre" in partners from opposite ends 50 Wall-balls 40 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 30 Power

The guys getting after Open workout 12.3 on Saturday Just a reminder that tonight is our first yoga night with Courtney, it starts at 7:30PM!! Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 2 Ladder Drills 10 Toes to Bar 20 Double-unders Weightlifting 10' EMOM P. Clean + F. Squat + Jerk +

Khalid killing some handstand skill work last week. Also, Yoga starts this Tuesday with Courtney at 7:30PM come out and improve your mobility for weightlifting and gymnastics!! Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 7 Inch worms 15 Wall-balls 30 Hollow Rocks Strength HBBS 10x5@80%


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

Our socials