
bootcamp Tag

Nutrition is always the base, you will only be able to perform as well as you eat. Let's make sure we're all eating enough of the right kinds of foods to support our activity levels! Warm-up Choice Weightlifting M.E. Power Snatch M.E. Power Clean Metabolic Conditioning 2x

Parties over, the boss is back! I hope you're all rested, were going to be re-testing some lifts and some conditioning/gymnastic elements this week! Warm-up Choice Weightlifting M.E. Snatch M.E. Clean and Jerk Metabolic Conditioning 400M Run Rest 2' M.E. Pull-ups

Make sure every rep is legit; Melissa is watching you! Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 12 Wall Balls 24 Double Unders 36 HB Rocks Weightlifting 5 X 3 Position Clean @ 75% Metabolic Conditioning 20-15-10-5 Toes to Bars *100M Sprint between sets


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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