
September 2016

Rideau CrossFit - CrossFitWarm-up10 Box Jumps 10 KB Snatch 10 cal AirdyneWeightliftingHand Power Snatch EMOM (10x1 OTM)10' EMOM 1 Hang Power SnatchMetconTabata Something Else (AMRAP - Reps)Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first

Rideau CrossFit - CrossFitWarm-up10 Box Jumps 10 T2B 60" PigeonWeightliftingPower Snatch (1x1)MetconMetcon (Time)In Partners 4 Rounds 15 KB Swings (32/24) 15 Burpees -then- 4 Rounds 200M Farmer's Carry 10 C2B Pull-ups -then- 4 Rounds 50 Double-unders 1 Sled Push (135/90)


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

Our socials