
Author: admin

Rideau CrossFit - CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)3 rounds 12 death march 5 inchworm 30 sec high knees + 6' squat circleMetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)20' AMRAP 200 m run 10 single-arm hang clean and jerk (5/arm) 10 pushupsGymnasticsTabata: coreChoose your own movement. E.g., hollow body rocks, situps, L-sit, V-ups.

Rideau CrossFit - CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)3 rds 35 single unders 5 long inchworms 10 Cossack squats +6' squat circleGymnastics10' EMOMOdd mins: 30" COB hold Even mins: 2 pushups + 15" hold in the bottom of the pushupMetconMetcon (Weight)DT-ish Every 15" for 10 minutes 1 deadlift + 1

Rideau CrossFit - CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)3 rds 10 goblet squats 10 box jumps or step-ups 60" pigeon +6' in squat circleGymnastics1' max effort pullups, 2' rest, 1' max effort pullupsMetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)9'AMRAP 10 squat cleans 30 DUs

Rideau CrossFit - CrossFitWarm UpWarm-up (No Measure)3 rds 30 high knees 15 air squats 5 inchworms +6' in squat circleWeightlifting10' alt EMOMOdd mins: 10 strict press Even mins: 10 bicep curlsMetconMetcon (Time)For time 21-15-9 thrusters bar-facing burpees

Rideau CrossFit - CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)Athlete's choiceGymnastics50 HB rocks, 50 superman rocksPartition as you please. This is to work on a skill and is not a metcon.MetconMetcon (Time)30-20-10 devil's press ft, HS walk *can scale the HS walk to bear crawl, shoulder taps,

Rideau CrossFit - CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)3 rds 15 air squats 5 inchworms 60" wrist stretches + 6' squat circleGymnastics10' alt EMOMOdd mins: 30" COB hold Even mins: 1 pushup + 15" bottom of pushup holdMetconMetcon (Time)For time: 120 weighted walking lunges **EMOM 10 pushups Goal is to


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