
crossfit ottawa Tag

Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 15 Air Squats 10 OH Walking Lunges 5 Ring Dips Weightlifting 1) 3 Position Clean 3x1@78%, 2x1@80% 2) Power Jerk + Jerk x3@78%, x2@80% Strength 1) Front Squat 5x4@85% 2) Clean Deadlift 5x4@105% Metabolic Conditioning 3RFT 12 Burpees OTBB 10 Deadlift (185/135) 8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

The Saturday Morning Crew Getting After It! Some fun reading! http://www.catalystathletics.com/articles/article.php?articleID=1770 Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 7 Burpees 14 KB Swings 21 Double-unders Weightlifting 1) High Hang Clean 4x2@75% 2) Snatch Balance 2x3@75%, 3x3@80% Strength 1) Push Press 5x4@85% 2) Snatch Grip RDL 5@70%, 2x4@75%, 3@75% Metabolic Conditioning For Time: 100 Toes to Bar **20 UB Wall Balls

The girls squatting on Saturday Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 10 Wall Balls 10 C2B 10 Push-ups Weightlifting 1) High Hang Snatch 4x3@70% 2) Jerk 2x3@82%, 3x2@85% Strength 1) HBBS 5x4@86% 2) Clean Pull 3x5@100% Metabolic Conditioning 7'AMRAP 3-3, 6-6, 9-9, etc. Deadlift (225/155) Burpee Box Jump

Joyce Getting Under a Snatch Balance Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 30 Double-unders 10 Toes to Bar Weightlifting 1) 3 Position Snatch - 1@70%, 1@75%, 3x@78% 2) Snatch Push Press - 5x5@78% Strength 1) Snatch Pull - 5x5@96% 2) Good Morning - 3x8@28% Metabolic Conditioning 7' AMRAP Burpees

Nat's 30# Weighted Muscle-up Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 9 KB Swings 8 Pistols 7 Burpees Weightlifting 1) Power Clean + Clean @75%x4 2) Snatch Balance 2x3@70%, 2x3@75%, 3@80% Strength 1) Push Press 5x5@80% 2) Snatch Deadlift 5x5@95% Metabolic Conditioning Five 2' Rounds of: 12 Burpees 12 Wall-balls M.E. Double-unders

December was another insane month of PR's, time to start setting some new goals for the new year! Open season is coming! Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 7 Pull-ups 7 HSPU 7 Wall-Balls Weightlifting 1) Power Snatch + Snatch x4@75% 2) Jerk 5x3@78% Strength 1) HBBS - 5@75%, 3x5@80%, 3@83%, 5@80% 2)

Matt Crushing some heavy deeds and HSPU Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 3 Stone to Shoulder 7 T2B 50ft. Farmer's Carry Weightlifting 1) Snatch - 2@70%, 2@75%, 1@80%, 1@85%, 1@80% 2) Clean and Jerk - 2@70%, 2@75%, 1@80%, 1@85%, 1@80% Strength HBBS - 5@65%, 5@70%, 4@75%, 2x3@80% Metabolic Conditioning For Time: 50 Double-unders 10 OHS

30# Weighted Muscle-up Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 2 Rope Climbs 10 Push-ups 20 Double-unders Weightlifting 1) Power Clean + 2 Cleans 1x2@70%, 1x3@75% 2) Snatch Balance 2x3@65%, 1x3@70%, 2x3@75% Strength 1) Push Press 5x5@78% 2) 3-stop Snatch 5x5 Metabolic Conditioning 6' AMRAP 8 Toes to Bar 10 S.A. Alternating KB Snatch (24/16)

I call it "The Rideau Breakfast" Skill 15' Alternating Minutes 10 Pistols 10 Wall Balls 7 C2B Pull-ups Weightlifting 1) 1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatches x2@70%, x3@75% 2) Jerk 5x3@75% Strength 1) HBBS 1x6@65%, 1x6@70%, 1x6@75%, 2x5@80% 2) Clean Pull 5x5@90% Metabolic Conditioning 4 RFT 50 Double-unders 10 Thrusters (95/65)


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