
strength and conditioning Tag

Kelly stands up a new deadlift PR at 190lbs! She's come a long way in the last year! Warm-up 15' alternating Minuets 10 PVC OH Squats 10 Box Jumps 12 Gymnastics Kips Strength 20 Rep Squats 1x 20 Reps +5-10lbs from last week Metabolic Conditioning Competitive 12' AMRAP 6 H.

Great turn-out for Saturday's 11AM workout! Did you brave the cold and get your training in?? Warm-up Athlete's Choice! Tuesday Mash-up With a running Clock at 00:00 - 10:00 40-30-20-10/20-15-10-5 Double-unders/Toes to Bar at 10:00 - 20:00 1RM Deadlift at 20:00 2RFT 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) 20 Wall-balls 30 KB Swings (24/18) Scale

Some of the girls getting after it on Tuesday night! Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 10 cal. Airdyne 60" Pigeon 10 KB Swings Skill Jerk Drills Strength 20 Rep Squats 1x20 +5-10lbs from last session Metabolic Conditioning For Reps: 00:00-03:00 10 Thrusters (115/75, 95/65, 65/35) 10 cal. Row 03:00-06:00 12 Thrusters 12 cal. Row 06:00-09:00 14 Thrusters 14 cal. Row etc. etc.

Yesterday we had a record 93% of our members show up to train! When was the last time you went to your gym?! Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 10 Toes to Bar 60" Squat 5 Around the World Skill 10' EMOM Even: 10 Pistols Odd: 5-10 UB HSPU Metabolic Conditioning CrossFit Games

A quick shot of Saturday's Fight Gone Bad! 15' Alternating Minutes 5 Inch Worms 10 Box Jumps 15 PVC OH Squats Skill 3 Rounds for Quality 3 Legless Rope Climbs 5 Muscle-up Transitions 5 Muscle-up Negatives Weightlifting 5' EMOM 2 P. Clean + 1 Jerk EMOMUF 1 P. Clean + Jerk Metabolic Conditioning Competitive

Val's first strict pull-up! A sweet sweet PR!! Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 10 Ring Dips 15 Wall-balls 20" L-sit Strength 20 Rep Squats 1x 20 increasing 5-10lbs from last week Metabolic Conditioning Competitive 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 P. Jerk (155/115) *30 Double-unders between rounds Intermediate 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 P. Jerk (115/75) *20 Double-unders between rounds Intro 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 P. Jerk *30 Single-unders between rounds

So many first rope climbs yesterday! Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 10 cal Row 10 Gymnastics Kips 60" Squat Strength Death by Pull-ups Metabolic Conditioning Competitive For time: 25 Deadlifts (205/145) 25 Cleans (165/115) 25 Snatches (115/75) 25 cal. Airdyne Intermediate For time: 25 Deadlifts (185/135) 25 Cleans (135/95) 25 Snatches (95/65) 25 cal. Airdyne Intro For time: 25 Deadlifts 25 Cleans 25 Snatches 25

3:30PM taking on a 14.4 yesterday! Warm-up 15' Alternating Minutes 10 cal. Airdyne 10 Box Jumps 25 Double-unders Weightlifting Competitive 3' AMRAP 2 Rope Climbs 4 HSPU -rest 1'- 3'AMRAP 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 10 Thrusters (95/65) -rest 1'- For Time: 25 Bar Facing Burpees Intermediate 3' AMRAP

Which midline strength movements/progressions have you been working on!? Warm-up 10' Squat Test! Weightlifting 5x 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk Skill Gymnastics Pulling 3 Rounds for Quality 2 Legless Rope Climbs 2 Slider Walks 2 Muscle-up or Pull-up negatives** **try and hold or pause for


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Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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